Juni 08, 2015

It's time for a salad...once again!

The last days the weather got quite sunny and hot and we tried to be outside as much as possible...we transferred our workouts to the park, we went to the strawberry fields and to the bathing lake.

When it comes to the food...you all know I love me some salad in the summer. And since I basically live from my veggies and leafy greens, today's blog post is another salad recipe...YAY!!!

It's mixed salad with goat cheese and roasted asparagus.

You may wanna know some health benefits before we start cooking:

Asparagus is generally very low in calories...one cup of it contains only 27 calories. Moreover there are 0g of fat, 3g of fiber and 3g of healthy protein in it. As far as vitamins and micronutrients are concerned, asparagus cotains a lot of vitamin A, C, and K (which improves your bone health) as well as folate and iron.
Quite nice, right?

But before I went crazy with all the health benefits I better start to explain how to prepare this delicousness:

I started with cutting off the stringy part at the bottom end of your as
paragus. Then I chopped the remaining stalks into pieces of 3cm (1 inch) and put the tips aside. Next I heated up a pan, poured in about one tablespoon of oil an added the asparagus. As soon as the stalks are firm to the bite I added in the tips as well. I stir-fried for another couple of minutes and seasoned with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Afterwards I removed the pan form the heat and set it aside.

Next I washed and cut my favorite leafy greens in bite-size pieces and put them in a bowl. I chopped three tomatoes and one yellow bell pepper, added all to the greens and mixed well.

I tossed my salad with a dressing made up of one tablespoon of oil, three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a pinch of salt. At the end I added the roasted and chilled asparagus, placed everything in a nice bowl and sprinkled it with about 50g of goat cheese.

Your meal is ready to dig in!!

Feel free to share your opinion in the comments and please tell me if you want to see a summer cocktail special.

Enjoy your healthy summer salad, hot weather & cool drinks!


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