Juni 01, 2015

Healthy TV snacks....

Last weekend, since the weather was quite rainy my an boyfriend and I did one day full of our favorite TV shows.
BUT...we need something to snack as well. Something healthy, delicious and easy to eat on the couch.

So I created a few spreads and some healthy crackers to munch on while watching TV shows.
  • wholegrain crackers As we all know wholgrain flour contains more fiber than white flour and keeps you fuller for a longer period. 
  • tofu & berry spread                                                                                                                Tofu is a natural and low-calorie protein source. Moreover it contains high amounts of iron and calcium. In addidtion the berries in the spread provide healthy antioxidants.
  • Cottage Cheese, garlic & basil spread
    One glove of garlic contains good amounts of manganeses, vitamin B6 and a sulfur compound called allicin which can reduce blood pressure and lowers your cholesterol levels (decreasing risk of heart diseases)
  • eggplant & sesame spread
    One cup of eggplant provides about 10% of your daily fiber needs as well as significant amounts of potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6.
  • Greek yogurt, lemon & pepper spread
    Lemon contains quite a lot healthy ingredients for example vitamins C, B6, A and E as well as folate, iron, calcium and pantothenic acid. In addition pepper is a good source for manganese and vitamin K.

So...now that you are informed about all the healthy ingredients we can start cooking:
Let's go, here are the directions:

Start with preparing the eggplant. Cut in half and make a few cuts across the cutting area. Then place them (with the cutting area down) on a lined baking tray and bake for about 20 minutes on medium to high heat. Don't forget to check once in a while so it won't burn.

Meanwhile you can prepare the Cootage Cheese, garlic & basil spread. Just place one cup of low-fat Cottage Cheese, one glove of garlic and one cup of fresh basil in a blender and mix until it becomes a smooth consistency.

Add a pinch of salt and put in a nice little bowl.

For the Greek yogurt, lemon & pepper spread it's quite the same procedure. Put one cup of Greek yogurt, one tablespoon of black pepper and the juice of one lemon in a blender. 

When everything is well combined add a little bit of lemon zest and a pinch of salt. Place it in another bowl and keep refrigerared until needed.

Now your eggplant must be done (the cutting area should be brown and the eggplant soft).

Take a tablespoon and spoon the flesh in a blender. Add two tablespoons of toasted sesame and mix well. Add a pinch of black pepper, a little bit of salt and one teaspoon of grounded caraway and fennel seeds.
Ready to serve in a nice bowl as well!

For the last, the berry & tofu spread place one cup of mixed berries and ¾ cup of natural tofu in the blender. Mix until everthing is smooth, creamy and well combined. Add one tablespoon of honey and blend again. Place it in another little bowl and serve with all the other spreads.

For the wholegrain crackers mix 2 cups of wholegrain flour with about ½ to one cup of water. It should be a thick and kneadable consistency. Add one teaspoon of salt and knead all together to a ball. Roll out (about -2mm thick) and cut in triangles bake on medium heat until crispy.

Now you're ready for your TV shows.
Tell me in the comments which show to like best (I'm currently looking for a new once since I finshed „Vikings“ last weekend) and enjoy your healthy TV-snacks.


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