Juni 14, 2015

A homemade burger...kind of healthy "junk food"

My boyfriend and me are currently betting who of us will be fitter after the next two months. It's about a amazon coupon and although we didn't even have a neutral judge I'm determined to beat him!

But...from time to time both of us are craving some sort of junk food. This time it was a nice burger.
And since I'm always trying to add my personal touch to my dishes and make them a little healthier I did the same with a common burger recipe.

So...this is my healthy and homemade burger!!

Here are my modifications so that you can see all the benefits you get from a homemade burger:

  • for my patty I just 100% organic beef
  • instead of the common burger bun I made my own wholewheat burger buns – By replacing the white flour with wholewheat flour I prevent blood sugar spikes and go for a longer satiety.
  • instead of the high processed cheese (to my opinion it isn't cheese at all) I used crumbled feta cheese – This substitution will safe you from a bunch of additives and about 5g of saturated fat (per 100g of cheese).
  • instead of ketchup and mustard I made a Greek yogurt sauce with tumeric and garlic – Cutting out the ketchup means cutting out 2g of sugar which comes from high fructose corn syrup.
  • instead of pickle slices and onions I opt for fresh veggies such as tomatoes, lettuce and fresh cucumber – Cooking with fresh vegetables will give you a bunch of nutrients and leave out all the additives which are required for a longer shelf life.

And now....here is what I did:

I made my wholewheat burger buns the day before because it would have taken to much time. (Sry but I completely forgot to take pictures.)
I placed about two cups of wholewheat flour in a mixing bowl. Then I disolved 42g of fresh yeast (two packages of dry yeast) in two cups of milk. Afterwards I stirred everything together and let it sit for about half an hour. Next I added another two cups of wholewheat flour, two eggs, a pinch of salt and one cup of milk. I knead all ingredients together and let my dough sit for another hour. As soon as the dough has doubled in size I formed my buns, placed them on a lined baking tray and baked them for 30 minutes on 150°C (300F). I removed them from the oven let them cool and stored them in a lidded box.

Today I started with cutting my buns in half and toast them a little.

For the sauce I mixed one cup of Greek yogurt with one tablespoon of tumeric paste and one glove of garlic together and added a pinch of salt and black pepper.

To make the patties I placed about two cups of organic minced beef in a bowl and added one egg. I seasoned it with one tablespoon of mustard and a pinch of salt and knead until everything is well combined. (Sry guys, but that is handwork....so wash your hands and dig in!)

I heated up a pan, poured in one tablespoon of oil and put my patties in. After ca couple of minutes I flipped them and fried them on the other side for 5 more minutes.
Meanwhile I had washed my vegetables, cut them in thin slices and crumbled the feta cheese.

Now it's time to build up that burger.
I placed the lower half of my burger bun on a plate. Then I put a lettuce leave on it and topped it with the patty. Next...the sauce. I spread one teaspoon of it on the patty and topped it with the cucumber and tomato slices. At last I sprinkled the feta cheese on and put the upper half of the burger bun on top.

Doesn't this look so delicious? I'm really getting hungry right now.
Can we find a cool name for this delicious burger? Please comment down below if you have a nice idea!

It remains saying enjoy your homemade healthy burger, wish me luck for my bet/competition and I'm looking forward to read all your comments.


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