Mai 18, 2015

My favorite pizza...fruit pizza

Last week I really had a sweet tooth….I cooked several desserts and eat quite a big amount of fruits. They all were delicious (and healthy, for example a melon sorbet…)

…but today I wanna share with you another one of my favorites.
Here comes the fruit pizza!
It’s sooo easy to prepare and offers a variety of micronutrients which benefits your health.

Let’s get started:
Take a wholegrain tortilla and place it on a bigger plate. (That was hard right? :P)

Spread one tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter on it. Please make sure that the penaut butter contains no added sugar or additives.

 Then it’s time to cut up some fruits. I sliced up about 5 strawberries, a little bit of ananas, a banana, and half an apple. Place them on your „pizza dough“ also known as wholegrain wrap.

You can do  a special order or just throw them on., it’s really up to you. As you can see in the pics I placed the apple in one quater as well as the strawberries, the banana and the ananas.

Next, for some extra flavor add several toppings. I sprinkled my ananas quater with a little bit of grated coconut (about one tablespoon) and my apple quater with a pinch of cinnamon. Moreover I added some blueberries to the strawberries and topped the banana quater with dark chocolate.

And now…
(…take a photo and send it to me, before you…)
dig in!!


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