all of you are enjoying the Easter preparations so far.
know…Easter is one of my favorite holidays (besides Christmas) throughout the
year. Not only because it’s around my birthday…also because it’s getting warmer
outside, flowers start to bloom and spring is on his way!

So now…let
me introduce today’s recipe: The energy Easter eggs.
It’s my
personal intention to create healthy subsitutes for Easter candy or junk food
in general because I’m not a fan of giving that much chocolate/junk food to
children. When I was younger I always get a huge amount of chocolate bunnies
and other candy. I literally couldn’t eat them all and I had to give more than
a half to my dad and my brother. Today as a nutritionist and a passionate
amateur chef I have the skills to create these healthy but nevertheless
delicious substitutes. And… I wanna share it with as many people as possible to
show everybody that a healthy diet is not hard to achieve and doesn’t require
any sacrifices.
So here are
the directions:
Place one
cup of wholegrain oats, ¼ cup of unsweetened cocoa powder and a pinch of salt
in a big bowl. Stir a little to blend everything well.
Heat up pan and dry
roast 2/3 cup of grated coconut, ½ cup of sesame and ½ cup of sunflower seeds
for a couple of minutes. As soon as they start to become brown remove from the
heat and add them to the oat mix. Stir again.
Then add
one cup of crunchy peanut butter (unsweetened) and a little vanilla extract. I
slightly warmed up the peanut butter which made it easier to blend everything
Grab two
teaspoons and some more grated coconut and sesame seeds to decorate your energy
Easter eggs. Of course and for the sake of colored Easter eggs you can use a
few sprinkles as well.
By using
the two teaspoons you can easily form the oat and seed mix into eggs and roll
them in sesame/grated coconut/sprinkles afterwards. Place them on a plate or
lined baking tray and let them harden for about half an hour.
Now they’re
ready to dig in.
Here are the ingredients summed up:
I whish
everybody a wonderful and happy Passion Week, have a great Easter Sunday…
please, please, please send me pics of your energy Easter eggs or your colored
Easter eggs! :P
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