Dezember 15, 2014

Finally....Christmas cookies

First of all I have to say I’m so sorry that I didn’t post a lot in the last weeks. Actually… nothing. But due to the fact that I’m currently moving, I didn’t find a lot of time to cook or bake!

The last years I nearly went crazy with all that Christmas bakery stuff. I did more than 12 different types of cookies! But this year…since I’m quite busy I wanna take it easy. And…I kept cool! So far.

Enough excuses and blabla…here are some of my favorite Christmas cookies for you.

Easy to make, delicious and I really love to decorate them. Then I listen to Christmas songs while sitting in the kitchen and spreading a huge amount of choco on my cookies.
Guys…I LOVE Christmas!

Here are the directions:
Place 100g of flour, 200g of shredded coconut and 100g of sugar in a mixing bowl. Then add in 200g of cold butter, one egg and one teaspoon vanilla extract. Knead all ingredients together by using a mixer or knead with your hands. As soon it comes to a ball, wrap in foil and let your dough sit for about half an hour in the fridge. 

Afterwards roll it out (about 3mm thick), take a gingerbreadman cookie cutter (you can order it here >> and cut as many men as you can until all the dough is used up.

Place them on a lined baking sheet and bake them for 15-20 minutes at 200°C.

Next remove them from the oven and let them cool completely. Meanwhile melt about 200g of dark chocolate until it’s liquid. Be careful you don’t want to burn it!!

Take your cooled men and dunk their feet and the top of their head into the melted choco. As long as the choco is wet dunk their feet and the top of their head into shredded coconut as well. Then place them on a lined tray again.
To give my gingerbreadmen mittens I spread the choco in the “hand area” by using a teaspoon. For the eyes and buttons I used the handle of a wooden spoon.
After I finished all my decorations I let them dry for one hour.

...and don’t forget to send me pics of your men!!!

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