August 19, 2014

Get a protein boost!

If you set up a training schedule make sure you always have a rest day every once a while. This gives your body the opportunitiy to get in regeneration stage.
Training means stress for your body (good stress!!!!), and in this certain phase your body can recover from last days’ training. All your protein, carbohydrate and energy storage were filled up again and your body prepares for even more stress coming up. This is called "supercompensation" and it's the reason why you're getting fitter. But for this you need food which is rich in nutrients and protein.
So when my training schedule says “rest day”, I always make sure to eat dishes which are rich in protein in order to support my body during the phase of regeneration.

And here’s the “how to”:
This protein boosting salad is high in vitamin c, chlorophyl, carotenes and calcium. Moreover it contents healthy fatty acids, helps your body to calm down and is obviously rich in protein as well.
And … the best of all those benefits: It tastes delicious!!!

To get finally to the practical part of all this … here are the directions:

For the salad wash iceberg lettuce, chop it coarsely and put it in a big bowl. Then cut half of a mozzarella cheese into small chunks and add in.
To make a protein dressing, peel a boiled and chilled egg and separate it into yolk and egg white. Chop the egg white and put it in the salad bowl. Now blend the yolk together with one tablespoon of flax seed oil, 5 tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of sweet mustard and a pinch of salt. As soon as the dressing becomes creamy add some herbs of your choice and blend again to mix well.
Next pour boiling water over one cup of sliced soy meat, let it soak for about 5-10 minutes and strain afterwards. Roast your soy meat for about 10 minutes in a pan and then set it aside to chill.
Next mix your protein dressing with the salad. Add the sliced soy meat, some blueberries and top with a tablespoon of flax seeds.

And as you all know me … there’s hardly any meal without parmesan. I add some slices for decoration, but that is totally optional.

Enjoy, have a nice rest day and keep fit

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